| 1. | August ii . king of poland and grand duke of lithuania 奥古斯特二世,波兰国王及立陶宛大公爵 |
| 2. | The grand duke hinted at treachery , and demanded a general engagement 皇太子暗示这是背叛行为,并要求进行一场大会战。 |
| 3. | The grand duke was delighted and bestowed the favor of the court on the prodigy 大公爵高兴极了,把宫廷的恩宠赐给这位神童。 |
| 4. | She had opportunities of sending her letters to the grand duke konstantin pavlovitch , who was in command of the guards 她就乘机向指挥近卫军的康斯坦丁帕夫洛维奇大公处寄信。 |
| 5. | And he changed the subject ; inquiring after the health of the grand duke , and recalling the agreeable time he had spent with him in naples 接着他转而问起大公的情况,问起他的健康,并回忆起与他一起在拿不勒斯度过的愉快而开心的时光。 |
| 6. | And so it was decided to send off their letters and money by the special messenger of the grand duke to boris , and boris would have to forward them to nikolushka 因此他们决定借助于大公的信使将信件和金钱送至鲍里斯处,鲍里斯定当转送尼古卢什卡。 |
| 7. | Now the grand duke on rejoining the army informed kutuzov of the tsars dissatisfaction at the poor successes of our troops , and the slowness of their progress . the tsar himself intended to be with the army in a few days 现在大公来到军中,他告诉库图佐夫,皇上对我军战绩不大,行动缓慢不满意,皇上打算最近亲自到军队中来。 |
| 8. | With a bland smile on his face he described how the grand duke had ridden up to him in a violent rage , shouting arnauts ! arnauts was the tsarevitchs favourite term of abuse when he was in a passion , and how he had asked for the captain 他面露愉快的笑意时讲到大公大发雷霆,骑马走到他跟前,大声喊道: “阿尔瑙特人! ”这是皇太子忿怒时爱用的口头禅他于是传唤连长。 |
| 9. | But this dismissal of bennigsen was followed by the arrival on the scene of the grand duke konstantin pavlovitch , who had received a command at the beginning of the campaign and had been removed from the army by kutuzov 在打发走贝尼格森之后,接着康士坦丁帕夫洛维奇大公十月革命前沙皇之弟兄孙之封号译者注来到了军队,他在战争初期参过战,后来库图佐夫把他调离军队。 |